Henrik Stenson in good shape to win FedEx Cup without a single season title

In each of the last five seasons, the winner of the FedEx Cup has won the Tour Championship to do it, and  in all eight prior seasons of the FedEx Cup, the winner has won at least one tournament in that season. Henrik Stenson could be the player to end both of those streaks this […]

Elin Nordegren’s gargantuan Florida mansion continues to take shape

Things aren’t so bad for Elin Nordegren, ex-wife of Tiger Woods. That’s her mansion above taking shape (photos via Jeff Lichtenstein Realty). As The Guardian notes, the house is growing to cover almost all of the 21,000 square feet of property. Nordegren received an estimated $ 100 million in her divorce settlement with Woods. More […]

Q&A: Is swimming a good exercise to get in shape for golf?

QUESTION: I love to golf, and want to get better, I know that spending time in the course is important, but also, spending some time getting in shape is important also since I walk the course. I swim, about 2000 yards 3-4 times a week, depending on how much I golf, I have never had […]

How does the shape of a golf ball affect the area of it’s box?

QUESTION: If 12 spherical golf balls are in a rectangular box, and their diameter is 42.67mm with their volume being 40.7cm, what would be the smallest the area of the box could be? ANSWER: Answer by David AYou should maybe repost this as a math question. they could be laid out in 1 row of […]

Q&A: What should I do over the winter to stay in shape for golf?

QUESTION: I am 15 and a 6 handicap. I live in a climate where our golf season starts in early April. I play for the high school golf team and I have been going to an indoor driving range (Hitting off mats). Is this good enough or should I be doing more to be able […]