Q&A: Is swimming a good exercise to get in shape for golf?

QUESTION: I love to golf, and want to get better, I know that spending time in the course is important, but also, spending some time getting in shape is important also since I walk the course. I swim, about 2000 yards 3-4 times a week, depending on how much I golf, I have never had […]

Is hitting golf balls at a golf range good exercise?

QUESTION: A friend and I have never played golf and thought we should go to the driving range to see how we do. We were wondering if this is a good form of exercise? ANSWER: Answer by darberHitting a bucket of balls at a driving range is OK for exercise. You will be swinging your […]

Golf Swing Posture Exercise – Hamstring Stretch For Balance

www.performbettergolf.com – Professional Golf Fitness Exercise Trainer Mike Pedersen shows simple and affective golf swing hamstring exercise stretch combination that will help golfers “stay in their posture” for 18 holes. This specific golf exercise strengthens the crucial muscles of the hamstring, glutes and even calf muscles which allows golfers to stay in balance, helping you […]