Spieth labels Ryder Cup as ‘possibly at the very top’ of ’16 goals

CIMB Classic winner Justin Thomas caught a lot of flak two weeks ago when he told Golf Channel, without hesitation, that he’d prefer being on a winning 2016 U.S. Ryder Cup team to winning a major this year. On Wednesday in Abu Dhabi, Jordan Spieth elevated the biennial match to a similar level. “[The Ryder […]

Q&A: How to possibly get better at any aspect of golf while sitting down in school?

QUESTION: Hello, I want to get better at golf. But unfortunately I have to sit in class for 7 hours, and lose precious time. Is there anything I can do that I will be somewhat helping me in any part of golf besides stretching? Thanks so much and may god bless you all! ^_^ ANSWER: […]