High school golfer self-reports violation, costs herself state title

A South Dakota golfer displayed remarkable honesty and cost herself a state title. Devil Ball Golf

High school golfer self-reports violation, costs herself state title

A South Dakota golfer displayed remarkable honesty and cost herself a state title. Devil Ball Golf

Watch old school videos of Tiger Woods giving funny golf advice

Most of the time when trolling YouTube you run into mean comments or horrible videos or someone doing the Harlem Shake. But occasionally you’ll run into something like the above video that I found on Thursday of Tiger Woods giving funny golf tips to the regular golfer. I remember plenty of old Tiger commercials but […]

[HD] School of Golf Chapter 16 – Eliminating the SLICE

What should I expect from a high school golf team try out?

QUESTION: I’m trying out for the golf team next week, I am a sophmore and never been on a golf team. What should I expect? What will they make me do? ANSWER: Answer by yogiebereWell they will definitely want to see you play a few rounds. Make sure that you’re comfortable playing 18 holes and […]

[HD] School of Golf Chapter 11: Understanding the pivots

Q&A: What is a good score for a high school golfer at Warrior Golf Course in Nc?

QUESTION: I’m on my high school golf team and I was wondering what a decent score at Warrior Golf Course is? I heard its a pretty tough course. ANSWER: Answer by mattIdk what the course is like, but if it’s tough a solid high school golfer would shoot in the high 30’s for 9 holes, […]

What is an ideal 9 hole golf score for a high school golfer?

QUESTION: I am going into high school next year and I hit in the low 90’s, high 80’s on 18 and low to mid 40’s on 9. What is a good 9 hole score to make a high school golf team. ANSWER: Answer by Raquelleanywhere in the 30s.. low 40s are good. you should be […]

What are some good golf titles and quotes for school newspaper?

QUESTION: i need to have a title for the golf section i just dont know any. ANSWER: Answer by stinkinggenius2003The rub of the green Birdie Time Long Drive to State ” School Name ” Swingers

How competitive is girls high school golf?

QUESTION: I’m asking, because next year my school is trying to set up a girls golf team for next year (I’m currently a freshman in highschool). I somehow made it on to the boys jv team at my school, so how competitive is varsity girls golf compared to this? What can the average girl shoot? […]