Watch Tom Watson hang around Kansas City Royals spring training

Your browser does not support iframes. There are few golfers, alive or dead, as accomplished as Tom Watson. The 63-year-old Watson has won 39 PGA Tour events in his career including eight majors, and made a run at the 2009 British Open that would have gone down as one of the most epic, and downright […]

Has anybody used the new Perfect Connextion golf training aid?

QUESTION: Has anybody used the new Perfect Connextion golf training aid? If so, does it really work, or is it just another gimmick? ANSWER: Answer by toughnottobeacynicThe market is so flooded with gimmicks I honestly don’t think anyone noticed its introduction. I looked at it on their website and it’s just another unneeded product that […]

Does anyone know of a golf training aid that works?

QUESTION: I can’t seem to fix my golf swing no matter what I try or do.I have been to 3 different golf pros and my swing just keeps getting worse and worse. Does anyone know of a golf training aid they know works because I’m done with pros! I would really appreciate it because my […]

What is the training regimen for the Momentus Power Hitter golf swing trainer?

QUESTION: I know weighted golf clubs can be harmful if used improperly. I recently purchased the Momentus Power Hitter driver but I did not receive the instructional DVD. What is the suggested training regimen or plan for using the driver? ANSWER: Answer by Jeff MHere’s a page with a pretty detailed review of the Power […]

Can golf be used as a cross training sport for running?

QUESTION: I am planning on starting a marathon training program soon and it has specific days of cross training. It suggests swimming, biking or running, but I’m curious… Can golf be my cross training activity? I always walk when I play, so I figured just hitting some balls in between wouldn’t spoil the walk too […]

What education and training is needed to be a professional golf player?

QUESTION: I am doing a career report and I want to be a golf player for the LPGA. What education is training needed to pursue this career? How many years of education, college you could attend and what type of degree do you earn? Also, what are average salaries? Thanks so much!! ANSWER: Answer by […]