Celebrate the weekend with 7-year-old’s ‘Thank Golf It’s Friday’ rap

If you grew up in the same generation as me, T.G.I.F. meant sitting in front of the TV and enjoying some ABC comedies. These days, thanks to “Scandal,” the Alphabet’s grateful for its Thursday lineup. However, for a golfer, Friday still means something: it’s almost golf time. Rapper-golfer Caleb C, who, mind you, is 7 […]

Henrik Stenson’s just gonna take the $10 million FedEx Cup prize now, thank you very much

ATLANTA – Hey, if nobody else wants it, Henrik Stenson would be happy to help himself to the $ 10 million prize that goes to the winner of the FedEx Cup. Stenson continued his roll at East Lake on Friday, shooting a 66 to go with Thursday’s 64 to leave him at -10 for the […]