The Importance of Swing Speed and Tempo

Jim McLean, owner of the No. 1 ranked golf schools in North America, explaining the significance of swing tempo using the Swing Speed Radar® with Tempo Timer from Sports Sensors, Inc., Check out the blog at

Q&A: What is a good tip to maintain good tempo during golf swing?

QUESTION: For putting…i use the method…4 inches back=10 ft roll…and say peanut during the backswing and follow thru with butter…any similar tips for the golf swing? Been getting pretty good results with this….anything similar to this for a full golf swing? ANSWER: Answer by PocketProtectorConfucius say… “He who look up… …see bad shot!”

Can your golf tempo and rhythm affect how solid your strike a golf ball?

QUESTION: With the new golf drills i have been working on, i seem to have fastened my golf swing for both the irons and driver. Should i go back to my usual tempo??? ANSWER: Answer by gorillaYes. Your tempo effects timing and rhythm. If your tempo is too quick, the timing of the release of […]

Golf Tips – Tempo

Todays tip will be about tempo. I’ve always felt that if the mechanics of one’s golf swing are fairly sound other then that the occasional tune up from your pro, youre going to work on tempo more than anything. Tempo is kind of the glue that holds everything together. We all tend to swing too […]