Watch Brandt Snedeker go skeet shooting with his 4-iron

It’s been a long PGA Tour off-season. OK, it’s been a couple of weeks. But Brandt Snedeker had to find the way to pass some time and recharge for the new season, kicking off this week in California’s Napa Valley. So he went into the Tennessee woods and did some skeet shooting…with his 4-iron. Snedeker […]

What score should a 14 year old boy be shooting in golf?

QUESTION: I want to try out for my high school golf team and want to know what a good score would be to be one of the top players? on nine holes, i shoot about a 52 on a bad day and a 46 on a good one but after playing tonight, i fixed my […]

Clay pigeon shooting video tips: Lesson 1

Shooting tips: See a beginner taking his first lesson in clay pigeon shooting, and receiving shooting tips from CPSA Senior Coach, Mike Williams.