Q&A: How do you remove a dent on a golf club ?

QUESTION: How do you remove a small golf ball size dent from the top of a golf club driver ? I have an expensive club . ANSWER: Answer by x-15a2You can’t do it yourself, you need to find a club refinisher, they may be able to correct it for you, but you’ve probably ruined the […]

Golf- is it illegal to remove the pin before the ball is struck if the ball rests on the fringe?

QUESTION: A friend says one of his league partners told him that it was against the rules of golf to remove the pin if the ball is (or is about to be) struck from the fringe/apron. In other words, he says that the pin must be left in the hole until the ball comes to […]

How to Remove a golf grip without cutting it?

QUESTION: I have a golf club that is good but I don’t use the club that it’s on. And the golf club I do use have a bad grip. How can I remove the good grip without cutting it? Thanks ANSWER: Answer by LeftyThere is a very dangerous way that involves injecting solvent into the […]

What is the best way to remove the residue left on a golf club by stickers?

QUESTION: I just bought a Callaway Hyper X driver and when i took it out of the box it had stickers (price, etc.) on the face, sole and shaft. When I took them off they left a sticky residue and grass is sticking to it. How can I safely get it off without damaging my […]

What is the best way to remove rust from golf clubs WITHOUT removing the paint as well?

QUESTION: These are for Ping Eye 2 golf clubs that have rusted but I don’t want to take away the paint on the clubs, just the rust. I read that vinegar would work but would take away the paint. Does anybody have any better suggestions? Thanks in advance! ANSWER: Answer by googieTry the old standby […]