Tiger Woods meets fan battling cancer thanks to power of social media

A South Carolina woman harnessed the power of social media to help her father achieve a life’s dream: meeting Tiger Woods. Devil Ball Golf

Stanford student meets Tiger Woods, shoots 59 the next day

For most any golfer, meeting Tiger Woods is an inspiring experience. It has to be, shaking hands with a guy who has won 79 PGA Tour events, including 14 major titles. Maybe some of that competitive greatness rubbed off on Stanford golfer Viraat Badhwar. Badhwar met Woods this weekend, then went out and shot his […]

Photo of the Day: Oh … oh my, Carl Spackler meets Borat

Sometimes you just have to sit back and thank certain people. Your parents, a teacher that influenced you in an incredible way, or if you’re a golf writer looking for content, this guy. The one right above this text. The one in the mankini that you probably won’t un-see the rest of this lovely Friday. […]