Seven simple things golf courses (and you) can do to help the environment

Golf might be the sport that brings us the closest to nature, but is it really that Eco-friendly? On Earth Day, we decided to look at some simple ways that golf courses, and you the golfer, can change the way we do things to help the environment, trying to find things that aren’t overly complicated […]

Q&A: How can building a golf complex be good for the environment?

QUESTION: im writing an essay on the positive and negative impacts on the environment caused by Donald Trumps plans to build golf super course and am struggling to find any answers on how building something like this (which will take over 10 years in total to build) can have any positive impacts on the environment. […]

Q&A: How would you structure the learning environment when teaching older ladies to golf?

QUESTION: I have to teach a bunch of older ladies to golf, specifically how to long drive. There are a couple of them who are far sighted. How would you structure the learning environment so there will be no distractions when teaching them? ANSWER: Answer by grillerI would structure your lessons as a recipe for […]