TaylorMade delivers drivers through the sky to celebrate Military Appreciation Day

In terms of golf marketing, there is TaylorMade and everyone else. The company that really got the ball rolling with different colored drivers has been on a rampage the last few years of the golf industry, and with an excellent marketing team paired with some really cool golf clubs it’s been smooth sailing for TM. […]

Q&A: Why do golf drivers have a rounded face?

QUESTION: Golf irons have flat faces, so why are driver’s faces rounded? ANSWER: Answer by glfproDrivers have to take into account two factors; center of gravity and gear effect. The head of the driver rotates around the center of gravity, which located back in the club head (away from the face.) Assume you are hitting […]

The Golf Fix: Drivers vs. Irons

Michael Breed answers email on driver and iron swing techniques. Watch The Golf Fix only on Golf Channel. For more help with your game, visit GolfChannel.com/the-golf-fix.

What are those giant golf club drivers called ?

QUESTION: Went into a golf shop today and was amazed by these drivers with a huge head on them. What are they called and which ones are a good buy ? ANSWER: Answer by Alexpretty much any driver that you buy these days has a huge head on it. it depends on how much you […]

What are the negatives for a woman who continues to use golf drivers made for men?

QUESTION: I use a PRGR lady driver and have found recently that I hit much further and still straight with my husband’s PRGR driver. However, I’m afraid that I may develop bad habits or any negative impacts on my swing if I continue to use a man’s driver. What negative effects, if any, will using […]

What are good golf drivers for a boy of 13 years of age?

QUESTION: Recently, I’ve went to the local golf store Golf Galaxy to look for for golf drivers. I am of intermediate skill level in golf and my height is about 5 foot 4 inches. All of the drivers were too tall, and it was uncomfortable for me to swing with them even when I choked […]