How can i hit golf shots more consistently?

QUESTION: Recently on the golf course I just can’t hit any irons or my driver straight. I am taking lessons currently but they are only once a week and I would like to know if there are any drills or other methods of practicing that I can do at home in between lessons. I am […]

What part of my golf swing should i focus on to hit the ball clean consistently?

QUESTION: I know you have to hit balls till your hands bleed but should I concentrate on ball placement or swing tempo or wrist movement or swing arc or body position….maybe the question i should ask is what should i focus on first….i have played golf for years and have found some clubs im comfortable […]

How long does it take for golf drills to work consistently?

QUESTION: I seem to have a slight sway, and im just practicing the correct turn within the golf swing. ANSWER: Answer by Mabisking2Golf drills will allow you to Develop a feel for the correct motion the key is to incorporate this into a full fluid swing. For your swaying locking of your knees and feet […]