Does anyone know of a golf training aid that works?

QUESTION: I can’t seem to fix my golf swing no matter what I try or do.I have been to 3 different golf pros and my swing just keeps getting worse and worse. Does anyone know of a golf training aid they know works because I’m done with pros! I would really appreciate it because my […]

What is a good beginner golf club set?

QUESTION: So I am 22 and starting to get into golfing. I went once and really enjoyed it and also I feel it is a good skill to have for a business major in college. So my question is what is a good complete golf set to buy within the price range $ 350 or […]

Around what Height should someone start using Mens golf Clubs?

QUESTION: Im not quite sure what my height is but i have been using womens golf clubs for a little while now and I wanted to know around what height someone should start using mens golf clubs. ANSWER: Answer by Max LRougly 5’4″

Why does Charles Barkley keep playing golf if he sucks big time?

QUESTION: I thought these NBA cats had pride. Isn’t he tired of people making fun of his golf? ANSWER: Answer by ShiftHe plays it for fun

What do you guys think of Mitsushiba Stealth Golf Clubs?

QUESTION: Any of you ever owned a Mitsushiba Golf Clubs? Are they any good and affordable? ANSWER: Answer by grillerYou can buy Mitsushiba products with confidence. They offer quality merchandise at very good price points. You’re not getting the big name in golf but will get good value for your dollar.

How can I straighten out my drives for golf?

QUESTION: how can i straighten my drives out for golf, i have a slice and i really want to get rid of it because it is taking 50 yds. off of my drives ANSWER: Answer by qbqbqbhit with better tempo

Where can I find decent golf grip tips, to improve my golf ?

QUESTION: I am looking for information on golf grip tips, to improve my golf game, I am just beginning to play so want some good tips. Thanks ANSWER: Answer by thefugativeon golfing websites

Why are there more male than female participants in golf?

QUESTION: Studies show a lot more males play golf than females do. What are some reasons for this? ANSWER: Answer by LilyMen’s sport, almost without exception pays MUCH more than women’s.

When’s the best time to golf and what are good golf conditions?

QUESTION: I want to take someone golfing for their birthday, but I don’t know when is the best time of day to make the appointment and what weather is the best weather to golf in? Their birthday is on December 2nd and we will be golfing at Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego, CA. Thanks! […]

What quality are Palm Springs brand golf clubs?

QUESTION: I used to play golf years ago, but I’m trying to get back in to it. I found a set of clubs I like that are affordable to me, but I’ve never heard of the brand. They are Palm Springs brand. Does anyone know about the quality of them? ANSWER: Answer by x-15a2These are […]