The brilliant thing about charity golf tournaments is anyone can set them up. They are great ways to combine something fun with fundraising for a worthy cause. It’s likely you are reading this blog post because you have to set up a charity golf tournament soon.
It’s also probable that you’ve never done that before. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today, I will walk you through the steps of setting up a successful event. Here is what you need to know:
Define your goals
You might think that your primary goal is to raise as much money as possible. Sure, that’s what you need to do. But, what else should your event be doing?
It’s important to set out a plan that outlines your objectives. Example goals include:
- Raising awareness of your chosen charity;
- Drawing interest from notable local celebrities;
- Promoting businesses that sponsor the event.
Organize sponsorship
Next, you’ll need to approach some companies to help sponsor your charity golf tournament. One business might be a local golf course. Another could be a well-known brand in your area. Companies can sponsor a charitable event in all kinds of ways.
The aim is to make your event as high-profile and notable as possible. Otherwise, you won’t raise the desired amount of cash for your charitable cause.
Line up some volunteers
You’ll need some people to carry out various duties for your charity golf tournament. For instance, parking wardens can direct people to the right spaces in a car park. Stewards can supply and sell food and drinks to sponsors, tournament players and visitors.
It’s also likely you’ll need volunteers to organize things like power and water. Draw up a list of things your event will need and work out how many volunteers you’ll need.
Invite key people to play in the tournament
Some people ask professional PGA golfers to play in their event. Others might ask local sponsors or others with an interest in golf. Whoever you invite, ensure a few players are notable in some way.
The reason for that is simple. You want to get some press coverage of the tournament. That way, you can raise awareness of the charity and the event. Plus, you are more likely to have plenty of people donating their money to the cause.
Order some golfing trophies
One of the ways to make the event memorable for the players is to gift them some golfing trophies! These could be for winning the tournament or just for taking part. You may also wish to consider offering some trophies to the people that made the event such a success.
Promote your tournament
Aside from getting the press interested, it’s crucial that you actively promote your event! The good news is you can do most of the work using nothing more than an Internet-connected computer.
Social media is by far the best way of spreading the word about a charitable event. Invite people to like or follow your Facebook and Twitter pages for the tournament. If you’ve got an advertising budget, consider paying for PPC campaigns too.
Good luck with your tournament!
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