QUESTION: After hitting from the rough a few times I noticed that on the bottom of a couple of my golf clubs the paint filling was partially scratched off and I can’t seem to find a place that sells the “paint”. I’m sure I can go into any repair shop and have it done, but […]
What and where can I find the ink that is used to fill in the numbers on the bottom of the golf club?
What does cc mean on golf clubs and what do the numbers have to do with the clubs?
QUESTION: I just want to understand the differences between clubs to get some golf basics. ANSWER: Answer by Kevin RisserThe numbers on the club designate a difference between the lofts of the clubs, which ultimately determines how far the ball will go when you hit it with that club. However for wedges the numbers will […]
Q&A: What is the meaning of the red numbers on GOLF BALLS?
QUESTION: Are they there for some unspecific reasons, or do they have a reason for being there? It doesn’t matter what brand of golf ball, they all have those numbers, often in red. ANSWER: Answer by Christian BettyThey are just there to help you identify which ball is yours. When two players use the same […]
Q&A: What do the numbers on golf balls stand for?
QUESTION: I started golf lessons and purchased a new set of golf clubs and some (18) used Bridgestone balls because someone told me that’s the best thing to do when you’re starting out since I will lose a lot of them. The balls have numbers on them such as 1 though 7. What do they […]