Q&A: What are some good persimmons woods for golf?

I am building a vintage set of golf clubs and would like to know what are some good persimmons woods to get? And would anything other than a 1 wood work great off the tee?


Answer by green_lantern66
Anything can work great off the tee. It isn’t the designation on the sole, it’s the loft and how it interacts with your swing speed. Slower swingers need more help getting the ball up in the air, so they can maximize their carry distance; that means more loft on the driver. Could be a 1w, or a 2w, or 3w… whatever is that ideal loft for the individual. Faster swingers don’t need the help, so they can play lower-lofted drivers. This idea still holds true for metal drivers, as well.

Northwestern, Spalding, MacGregor and Louisville all made good persimmon woods.

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