Ernie Els’ Transitions putt doesn’t get any easier to watch

Oh, Ernie Els. So much hope, so much promise on Sunday afternoon at the Transitions, and it all came undone so quickly. This is the painful putt that led to that oh-so-awkward NBC/Golf Channel interview afterward. I gotta say, if I yipped it like this, I’d have wrapped the putter around someone’s neck. Maybe that’s […]

59 Watch! Brian Harman flirts with immortality at Honda Classic

Golf tends to toss up great out-of-nowhere stories about once a month, and March’s version arrived on the second day: Brian Harman, the second alternate coming into this week’s Honda Classic, stood on the tee at 18 with a chance at achieving golf nirvana: the fabled sub-60 round. Alas, it wasn’t to be; he needed […]