Rocco Mediate says Tiger Woods’ golf swing can’t produce the shots it used to

Tiger Woods will never be able to play Torrey Pines without the memory of 2008 coming up for golf fans. It might not overwhelm him when he’s walking the grounds of northern San Diego, but for fans, the limping Woods overcoming adversity to win that major championship will forever stick in our minds. And with […]

No More Off Line Golf Shots

Get Mark’s iPhone App Get Mark’s Android App Like Mark Crossfield on Facebook Follow Mark/4golfonline on twitter Understand what makes your golf shots spin off line as Mark Crossfield shows you how to hit the ball with different spins.

Q&A: I need simple tips on how to improve my accuracy on my golf shots?

QUESTION: I am 13 and i am into golf but i am not too good with accuracy. At the driving range, i average about 175 yards but the balls are going every which way. Any easy tips you golfers have? I am hitting it with driver and i only get it straight about 1/4 of […]

How can i hit golf shots more consistently?

QUESTION: Recently on the golf course I just can’t hit any irons or my driver straight. I am taking lessons currently but they are only once a week and I would like to know if there are any drills or other methods of practicing that I can do at home in between lessons. I am […]

How do you make shot counters with beads for keeping track of shots on a hole for golf?

QUESTION: they are so you can slide beads back and forth depending on your number of strokes/hits and my golf team wanted to make them. any suggestions? ANSWER: Answer by GregoryMy mom has one of these on her golf bag. To make one I would think is fairly simple, a piece of string and some […]

How do you hit good golf shots from different sloping lies?

QUESTION: RE: Golf I think I know the basics in terms of stance, swing, etc. when hitting shots from flat lies (i.e. on the driving range). Where I am having trouble is when I am hitting off of slopes, e.g.: – Downward sloping – Upward sloping – Sidewards sloping, with the ball higher than my […]

Stop Hitting Fat Shots

Are you hitting fat shots consistently? If you hit the ground behind the ball when you’re hitting iron shots into the green then this golf instruction video by Lawrie Montague from will show you how to hit your iron shots longer and more solidly everytime.

The Golf Swing Weekly Fix Hip Sway and Push Slice Shots

Get Mark’s iPhone App Get Mark’s Android App Like Mark Crossfield on Facebook Follow Mark/4golfonline on twitter The Golf Swing Weekly Fix Hip Sway and Push Slice Shots with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark talks about hip sway and how the set up at address can influence a poor backswing […]

How to get more accurate shots in golf?

QUESTION: I just started golf and I noticed that I am doing very bad. I am shooting 10 strokes more than what I usually do. The reason for this is because I keep hitting the ball short and it doesn’t get up high enough. How can I make my strokes accurate? I always miss a […]

Hit Your Golf Approach Shots With More Spin

Get Mark’s iPhone App Get Mark’s Android App Like Mark Crossfield on Facebook Follow Mark/4golfonline on twitter Hit your approach shots with more spin and control with Mark Crossfield the internet golf professional. More spin means more control and lower scores. Improve your golf with Mark Crossfield and his free […]