can some1 give me some good tips for driving the golf ball from the tee?

QUESTION: I started playing golf a few months ago and I’ve been able to make some pretty descent shots with every club EXCEPT Drivers. I don’t know why. I’ve been to the driving range a few times and I cant even hit it to the 50. I got a tip from a golf pro who […]

Please recommend a good golf magazine to give as a gift subscription?

QUESTION: I know less than nothing about golf, but I have an extended family member that absolutely loves golf and I would like to get him a gift subscription, please recommend the best. Thanks! ANSWER: Answer by RobertGolf Digest or Links Magazine

Q&A: What does a good set of golf clubs include?

QUESTION: My husband wants to take up golf and is looking for a set of clubs. Which clubs–irons, woods and putters, and sizes–should he start off with? ANSWER: Answer by Jared MThey are usually 3-PW. That includes, 3 Iron, 4 Iron, 5 Iron, 6 Iron, 7 Iron, 8 Iron, 9 Iron, and Pitching Wedge. You […]

How do you keep newly purchased golf grips in good condition?

QUESTION: I bought a set of golf grips which I intend to use when I regrip my clubs next summer. Should I put something on it to keep its tackiness & feel? ANSWER: Answer by Robertthe grips are not forever tho some of us use it till its slick and the bones showing. the grips […]

What are some good ways to practice golf in you’r backyard?

QUESTION: I was wondering what are some good ways to practice golf in you’r backyard prferably without spending tons of money, please. I don’t have that big of a yard, I also live in a decently busy neighborhood so I dont want to hit a car or a home. Basically put, what are some safe […]

What is a good way to practice golf over the winter?

QUESTION: Winter’s here and the golf season is over, but I have tryouts for the golf team in March. Since no courses will be open until after then, how can I keep from getting “stiff” over the winter. What are some good ways to practice? ANSWER: Answer by CANADA ROCKS!!!!make a sort of hole in […]

What are good golf drivers for a boy of 13 years of age?

QUESTION: Recently, I’ve went to the local golf store Golf Galaxy to look for for golf drivers. I am of intermediate skill level in golf and my height is about 5 foot 4 inches. All of the drivers were too tall, and it was uncomfortable for me to swing with them even when I choked […]

Q&A: What are the good brands selling golf equipments?

QUESTION: I am thinking of starting golf course for beginners. I want to buy some golf equipments. What are the good brands selling golf equipments at cheap prices? ANSWER: Answer by KAcer Golf Clubs is a great brand. Since they do not pay a pro millions of dollars to advertise, there is less overhead and […]

What are good golf clubs and how much should I expect them to cost?

QUESTION: Hi, my husband loves to golf, but needs new clubs. I don’t know anything about golf, but I would like to surprise him for our anniversary with a new set. What are some good brands, and how much can I expect to spend? ANSWER: Answer by Larry Gas a top 100 clubfitter in the […]

Does it really matter if golf clubs are old and worn? What are the good clubs for beginners?

QUESTION: I’m wanting to buy a golf club set. I see clubs at the range I can use for free and one brand I remember is callaway. Is that a good brand? They have mostly worn golf clubs. I have played golf already and taken one semester class. I just don’t think golf ranges would […]