QUESTION: A person on craigslist is selling a full set of Orion Trend golf clubs with a bag at a garage sale this coming weekend. The clubs are 1 year old, and they said they paid 300 for them last year. I am just starting to get into golf and thought this would be a […]
How much to get current golf clubs custom fitted?
QUESTION: How much would it cost to get my current golf clubs custom fitted? I know it’s around a $ 100 for a session but around how much would it cost for them to reshaft and grip and do what ever else to them? And it for my driver 3-pw putter and 3 and 4 […]
How much does it cost to get golf clubs re-gripped?
QUESTION: I have a whole set of Prince golf clubs and have been using them steady for a while. The grips that I have on now are starting to rub off onto my glove, and I think they are at least 5 years old. I really want some new grips, and I want to get […]
Q&A: How do I find out what my golf clubs are worth?
QUESTION: I have some Spalding golf clubs in good shape. I never play golf and want to sell them. How do I find out what their value is? ANSWER: Answer by davecurrHi take them to your local Pro shop at your local course and ask if they can tell you, or if they will buy […]
What golf clubs to buy for a 14 year old boy?
QUESTION: It seems there arent many golf clubs for that age group. Ladies golf clubs would be a fine fit, but this is for a boy. Is it best just to buy a regular set and instruct him to grip it quite low? ANSWER: Answer by Go Tiger!It is not best to buy a regular […]
What golf clubs should I try to get to complete a beginner’s set?
QUESTION: I have just started learning to play golf, and was recently given a golf bag and some old clubs. I was given 3 through 9 irons, a PW and a putter. What do I need other than a driver? Do I need a 3 wood or a SW? Also, how is the best way […]
Q&A: What golf clubs should I get my boyfriend for our anniversary?
QUESTION: I want to get my boyfriend golf clubs for our anniversary but I have no idea what to get him, his dad passed away and he uses his old Callway clubs but he is always talking about how he wants new ones. I always pay attention when he looks at golf clubs and he […]
How much do custom golf clubs usually cost?
QUESTION: I mean a full set of custom golf clubs, designed just for one person. What is usually the price range? And what brand is the best? ANSWER: Answer by Young AndoPrice range can vary from 300$ to 1500$ . The brand will depend on how long the player has played golf as well as […]
Q&A: What kind of golf clubs would be best to start off with?
QUESTION: ive been golfing for a couple months and ive been using some old garage sale ones and now i want to buy my first set. im still learning but im pretty good for a beginnner. i went to a golf shop and the salesman directed me to a set of powerbilt dynasty golf clubs. […]