I don’t get why there is a big fuss about the World Golf Rankings? There is no worldwide PGA tour like there is with tennis. Tennis players play all over the world. The best of the best match up all over the place.
So what if a golfer is number 1 on the European PGA and number 1 or 3 worldwide? Let’s see that person play on the U.S. PGA.
Answer by Steve from PA
You have a interesting point..and some how the the line between no 1 in the us and europe as been blurred..My guess it was Tim Finchum tryin to smother Greg Normans idea of a world tour..Finchum knew that would cost the PGA some money, the possibility of the world tour being bigger than the pga. In the 9os the only European match that u could watch was the British Open..and u had to get up at 4am to watch a grainy out of focus match..Then came Tiger and Dubai and Taiwain and the media was forced to follow. I dont think u can have a true number one unless the all the tours are combined. but demographically thats a nightmare. But dont beat the drum about the PGA. clearly right now the best golfers are European..
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