I am 16 years old and play on my high school Varsity golf team. I want to get more in shape for golf so I can have the stamina to play my best throughout all 18 holes. I was wondering what a good workout routine is and what my diet should consist of. Any book recommendations would be great or just a day by day routine that I can follow to better help me get into shape. Thanks guys! Cheers. -Ty
Answer by BusterRhymes
For workout, make sure you work on all of your body and also stay “flexible”. Make sure you work on a lot of “abs” and “back” as that will help you prevent any back problems in the long term. Also work on your lower body, which will make you more stable. Strengthen your forearms as all good pro golfers have that too.
As for diet, you need to make sure to eat neutral foods (before you play a round) that don’t contain too much sugar or fat. Sugar will mess up your blood sugar levels, making you more excited while you play while a fat burger will make you the opposite.
Food isn’t everything but having a good diet can help your mental state while playing your State finals or U.S. Open qualifying.
Natural sugar is good though such as bananas, apple, etc…etc…
There’s a bunch of great golf books on golf workout and diet routine, I highly suggest you to read up on some of them.
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