i know nothing about golf or the best kind of clubs i am so lost…and i cant ask him because then it wont be a sprize.. so can anyone help me figure out how to buy him the right and best thing?
Answer by adrizzock
DON”T DO IT…..I repeat DO NOT BUY HIM A CLUB….without him being involved. This would be like him buying you a purse or pair of shoes on a whim….you’ll be nice and say it’s your favorite but you’ll never use it and it’ll be relegated to a dusty corner of your closet.
Instead take him to a golf retailer and surprise him then by letting him pick it out and then get on the launch monitor and get fitted for his new club. The best part would be if you seemed like you were into it and interested in his excitement. I know my wife couldn’t care less, but when I talk about golf and she acts like she cares…I love it!
Good luck!
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