My girlfriends Dad wants me to teach him how to play golf, he’s about 50 years old and only been to the range once or twice and wasn’t very good. But he wants ME to teach him instead of getting lessons. I’ve been playing golf since I was 12 and I’m now 23 so I have a few years under my belt but I’ve never taught anyone how to play golf before. Where do I start with this guy and is there a website,book,video or anything I can give him to get him started on his own first and then work some helpful tips into the equation. I know playing on the course is the best practice you can get but he’s not ready for that yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer by Daddy
It all starts with the grip, right? start there. All the nuances of the golf swing . The stance, the inside out approach to the ball. The distance to the ball in relation to the club being used. The swing path, on plane, etc. etc. Then all the golf terms and what they mean. Then the ever important putting stroke. Gee it’s all so much fun! Try getting some golf training videos. (the library?) Sit down and watch them together. Freeze frame and explain what’s going on then have him try and imitate. So what eventually helped my driving technique was keeping my left arm , I’m right handed, straight with the wrist flat from take away to returning to the ball. I keep my motions to a minimum and play within my game. Good luck!
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