How would you connect concentration from golf to preparing you for high school?
How would you connect focus from golf to preparing you for high school?
How would you connect practicing from golf to preparing you for high school?
Answer by Pixie Chick
Most people who enjoy golf spend the extra time that is necessary to take time to concentrate, focus and practice in order to improve and feel confident in their game. If it’s enjoyable, many can’t but help to put in that extra time, but golf isn’t always as enjoyable as we would wish….some days you can’t help but wonder why you’re playing. Frustration after frustration. Like Elementary-High School many times you wonder how this will help you….who uses Algebra and needs to write essays? High School gives you a broad general knowledge of many things, it helps you organize your priorities (course management), it encourages accountability (owning up to your penalties, knowing you have crossed the line and are prepared to accept the consequences), it demands your attention and the more focused you are the more your GPA (scorecard) will express this. Practicing golf or any sport is a prerequisite to the green jacket, the belt, the ring, the cup; just as following through with assignments can lead you to acing your exams and valedictorian. Golf connects to everything in life, it is truly a tutorial of everything you’ve learned in Kindergarten, but forgot. Yes, golf prepares you in life for concentration, focus and practicing because golf more than anything else teaches you discipline, patience and confidence in yourself; belief in yourself with an air of humbleness.
Concentration/Focus one of the same….set your goal. Today I’m going to concentrate on 5; 5 on each hole, if I do better on a PAR 3, or PAR a few 4’s, I’m ahead…either way I’m focusing on 5 5×18=90. I will look at each shot and direct my focus on that shot. Every shot has a purpose. As I complete each shot, I will move on and continue to focus on each and every shot.
Today I will start my research, I will gather my sources, I will make an outline of what is expected and I will read chapter 1 and make notes. Focus
Practicing golf is discipline, setting time aside for homework and studying is discipline; in the long run discipline pays off on the scorecard and the report card.
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