I just started playing golf and would like to be able to calculate my golf handicap. Anybody out there who can tell me how?
Answer by guitarhero2167
It is a mathematical equation.
Your golf handicap is meant to measure how well you’d stand up to a scratch golfer on any given course and allows golfers of different abilities to compete fairly.
Take the scores from the last five rounds (18 holes each) that you played.
Look up the rating and slope for the course that you played for each of these scores. This information is usually printed on the scorecard, although you can also get the rating and slope by calling the course.
Subtract the course rating from the score you earned on that course.
Multiply that number by 113.
Divide that number by the slope of the course. This number is the differential.
Take the lowest of your five differentials and multiply it by 0.96, and you have your handicap.
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