www.stopprocrastinatinghow.com Finding Motivation & Avoiding Motivation Mistakes Are you looking for motivation? Let’s begin the search for motivation by meeting you where you are in your current reality. If you are totally happy and content then it seems fairly obvious that you’ll have no driving desire for change. But at some point you may begin to consider other options and you begin to create a new desired outcome. As this becomes clearer, your mind will begin to notice a gap between your current reality and this new desired outcome. As it works to hold these two different realities at the same time it creates a sort of creative tension. You may recognise this tension to resolve the difference between a desired outcome and current reality as Motivation! In concept it’s that simple — but as ever in life it’s not that easy. Over the next few minutes I’m going to introduce you to some of the mistakes people make when looking for effective motivation and explain one of the ways to create consistent motivation in your life. OK so mistake number 1 is being vague You’ve probably hear that you need clear goals but what is wrong with vague goals. Well, once you’ve accepted that motivation is the creative tension to reduce the gap between current reality and your desired outcome, what do you think it would happen if the goal was vague? I think of it like this, if the goal is vague then the then the gap is less obvious to your mind so the tension is reduced. It gets even worse …
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