Click Here: Golf Lessons In this lesson I explain how the golf swing incorporates the very same elements found in all other sports. It’s these elements that allow you to develop incredible power and consistency as your swing. If you’ve had golf lessons in the past you may have been taught to hit the ball solely with your arms. This couldn’t be further from the truth. This type of golf instruction is only half of the swing. Although the arms play a role in generating the power in the golf swing these arms have to be connected to something. To understand it, think about throwing a ball, swinging a bat or racquet. If you never played any of these sports before you would at least be able make the motion almost instantly without lessons or instruction. The reason you can play other sports well yet have trouble playing golf is because the ball in all of these other sports is in motion whereas in golf the ball is stationary. With a stationary object sitting in front of you, you’ll want to hit the object instead of swinging through the object. The harder you hit, the tighter you get, the more you’ll move the club off of it’s path. Also, when you try to hit hard it causes your arms to buckle through impact thus narrowing the swing arc which lowers your swing speed. There is differing golf instruction out there. Hopefully, after you watch this and other golf lessons you see that the legs play an important role in the golf swing. If not, the best players in the …
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