There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about having to take a bathroom break in a porta-potty. They smell, they’re dirty and you’re either usually super hot or super cold while inside of one.
But a porta-potty meth lab on a golf course? That isn’t a thing, right?!
Wrong. In Oklahoma, investigators found a mini meth lab inside a porta-potty in the middle of a golf course, which has to be the weirdest/most creative meth lab in history.
Via the KFOR report …
“Under cover drug agents defuse a mini meth lab found inside a porta-potty in the middle of a golf course Tuesday in Purcell. Staffers noticed strange sports drink bottles with chemicals inside the porta-potty and called police.
Officers arrived and soon realized someone had been inside making meth using the “shake and bake” method.”
While Walter White wouldn’t exactly approve, apparently this is a real thing, and the video below gives you the details.
h/t With Leather
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